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Domaine Jean-Marc Bouley

Domaine Jean-Marc Bouley

Domaine Jean-Marc et Thomas Bouley - ung komet fra Volnay

Domainet kan føre sin historie tilbage til 1919, hvor det blev grundlagt lige efter 1. verdenskrig. Domainet består af 12 hektar, mest i Volnay, men man råder også over vinmarker i Beaune 1. Cru og Pommard. Domainet ligger blandt de øverste i selve landsbyen Volnay, hvor flere af markerne grænser op til skoven. Alle markene dyrkes efter økologiske principper, uden dog at være certificerede. En hel ny kælder er under opførelse direkte ind under Volnay marken Clos de la Cave.
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Stor ros

Økologiske principper Alle markene dyrkes efter økologiske principper, uden dog at være certificerede. En hel ny kælder er under opførelse direkte ind under Volnay marken Clos de la Cave. Alle druer håndhøstes og sorteres manuelt og Thomas Bouley anvender hele drueklaser i vinene alt efter årgangen, typisk 10-15%. Alle vinene aftappes ufiltrerede. Ros fra Neal Martin hos Robert Parker og fra Burghound Thomas Bouley er en af de mest omtalte unge winemakers i Bourgogne i disse år.Neal Martin skrev i Robert Parker's The Wine Advocate i december 2015: "The name "Bouley" is becoming one to drop when it comes to future stars in Volnay. I've been visiting regularly now and each time, their wines seem to go up a few levels, whilst Thomas himself remains one of the most amiable winemakers." Og han fortsatte: "I cannot recommend Domaine Bouley's wine enough. They are pure and refined, terroir-expressive with impressive depth and harmony. The 2014 Pommard Rugiens has almost no right to be as good as it is - I look forward to tasting this once in bottle. Ditto with the wonderful Volnay Clos des Chênes that challenges the supremacy of the aforementioned Michel Lafarge, who generally makes the finest. Another is their 2014 Volnay Carelles, which is not the most commonly known Premier Cru, but had such a killer line of tension and mineralité that it was difficult to put the glass down. Time to discover the new generation of Volnaysian producers...start here. Neal Martin i Robert Parker's The Wine Advocate December 2015: "I cannot recommend Domaine Bouley's wine enough. They are pure and refined, terroir-expressive with impressive depth and harmony." Burghound skrev i oktober 2013: "I have said this before but it bears repeating. Thomas Bouley is a first-rate young talent and I predict that you will be hearing a lot more about his wines going forward and given those accolades it almost goes without saying that in my view his wines outperformed the general quality of the vintage, particularly with his upper level wines."
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Domaine Jean-Marc Bouley